Grid parser

TJCTF 2018 - Forensics (45 pts).

TJCTF 2018 - Grid Parser

Event Challenge Category Points Solves
TJCTF 2018 Grid Parser Forensics 45 74


This is forensics task, not very difficult, with a pinch of guessing. The statement:

I found this grid while doing some parsing. Something about it just doesn’t seem right though…

Downloadable link:!Pax30S6D!rC-eTwOaEUZwV5WxvvjW0UR5-RD5MrP6_L3EsGTOaHo

(xz archive, then xz -d <archvie_name.xz>)

MD5 : 5259c642e8737f06a615699a29dcd2b9


In this task the author gaves us an Excel file. As all Office file, it’s possible to unzip them. With a quick look, we notice a PNG file in decompressed data.

This PNG is not displayed in the Excel file. Then, binwalk extract a little encrypted zip from the PNG file.

Finally, I used fcrackzip to bruteforce the password (secret key = px).

State of the art

So, I started this task with a grid file. But in fact it was an Excel file:

$ file ecdb2ff56241299271bf44268880e46a304f50d212ae05dab586e3843ad59d50_movies.grid
ecdb2ff56241299271bf44268880e46a304f50d212ae05dab586e3843ad59d50_movies.grid: Microsoft OOXML

$ mv ecdb2ff56241299271bf44268880e46a304f50d212ae05dab586e3843ad59d50_movies.grid chall.xlsx

This file contains lot of Marvel movies, some useless external link etc…


Fig 1 - Excel data

Unzip them all

Now, let’s decompress the Excel file and see which files this archive really contain.

$ 7za x chall.xls

7-Zip (A) [64] 9.20  Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov  2010-11-18
p7zip Version 9.20 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,8 CPUs)

Processing archive: chall.xls

Extracting  [Content_Types].xml
Extracting  _rels
Extracting  _rels/.rels
Extracting  xl
Everything is Ok

Folders: 7
Files: 21
Size:       248367
Compressed: 47716

$ tree .
├ ~$chall.xls
├ ~$chall.xlsx
├ chall.xlsx
├ [Content_Types].xml
├ _rels
└ xl
    ├ comments1.xml
    ├ drawings
    │   ├ drawing1.xml
    │   ├ drawing2.xml
    │   ├ drawing3.xml
    │   ├ drawing4.xml
    │   └ vmlDrawing1.vml
    ├ media
    │   └ password.png
    ├ _rels
    │   └ workbook.xml.rels
    ├ sharedStrings.xml
    ├ styles.xml
    ├ workbook.xml
    └ worksheets
        ├ _rels
        │   ├ sheet1.xml.rels
        │   ├ sheet2.xml.rels
        │   ├ sheet3.xml.rels
        │   └ sheet4.xml.rels
        ├ sheet1.xml
        ├ sheet2.xml
        ├ sheet3.xml
        └ sheet4.xml

7 directories, 23 files

Ok, now we see a password.png file not present in the Excel tab. Let’s dig.

Hidden ZIP

A quick analysis shows us a hidden ZIP archive. So let’s extracting it.

$ binwalk password.png

0             0x0             PNG image, 207 x 138, 8-bit grayscale, non-interlaced
134           0x86            Zlib compressed data, best compression
1780          0x6F4           Zip archive data, encrypted at least v1.0 to extract, compressed size: 41, uncompressed size: 29, name: flag.txt
1981          0x7BD           End of Zip archive

$ binwalk -e password.png
$ ls -la
-rwxrwxrwx 1 maki maki   223 Aug  9 09:07
-rwxrwxrwx 1 maki maki 28704 Aug  9 09:07 86
-rwxrwxrwx 1 maki maki  1869 Aug  9 09:07 86.zlib
-rwxrwxrwx 1 maki maki    29 Aug  3 17:02 flag.txt

Unfortunately, flag.txt file contains garbage… When I tried to decompress the file, the archive asks for a password.

Bruteforce time

I doing CTF since quite month now (years ?), so with my little experience I can say something:

When a ZIP file appears, hashcat / john / fcrackzip are your best friends!

And it’s the case here. The password.png file shows 2 stars, then let’s try a bruteforce on 2 characters using fcrackzip.

$ fcrackzip --brute-force --charset a1 --length 1-3 --use-unzip

PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == px
# w00t \o/

$ 7za x
Extracting  flag.txt
Enter password (will not be echoed) :

Everything is Ok

Size:       29
Compressed: 223

And now, just cat the extracted file to get the flag!


