
NDH 2018 - RE.

NDH 2018 : Wargame

Challenge details

Event Challenge Category Points Solves
NDH 16 Wargame Geode Reverse ? ?



Reversing a Gameboy Advance game, searching for a string with Radare2, then analyzing the instruction that call this string.


Find the type of file :

> $ file                                                                                     ⬡ 10.5.0 Game Boy ROM image: "CRACKME" (Rev.01) [ROM ONLY], ROM: 256Kbit

Then I searched à way to execute it, I choose Visual Advance Studio

So let’s execute it :


It’s an interface that require a password and validate it.

Let’s try a password :


Now, it’s time to static analysis with Radare2 :

r2 -A

First let’s find our Wrong Password string’s reference :

[0x00000100]> izzq~Wrong
0x569 21 20 ===Wrong password===

Now the strings xref :

[0x00000100]> pd 1024~569
  --------> 0x0000051c      216905         ld hl, 0x0569
  |||||||   0x00000569      3d             dec a

Next we need to find into which function the string is used :

0x00000100]> afl
0x00000018    1 8            sym.rst_24
0x0000007e    1 1            fcn.0000007e
0x00000100   12 210  -> 137  entry0
0x00000200    9 136          fcn.00000200
0x00000288   73 566          fcn.00000288
0x0000057e    1 9            fcn.0000057e
0x00000587    1 9            fcn.00000587
0x00000590    1 11           fcn.00000590
0x000005bd    6 64           fcn.000005bd
0x000005fd   14 166          fcn.000005fd
0x000006a3    6 31           fcn.000006a3
0x000006c2    6 31           fcn.000006c2
0x000006e1   10 48           fcn.000006e1
0x00000711    6 25           fcn.00000711
0x0000072a    1 20           fcn.0000072a
0x0000073e    1 7            fcn.0000073e
0x00000745   24 159          fcn.00000745
0x000007e4    1 5            fcn.000007e4
0x000007e9    1 36           fcn.000007e9
0x0000081e    3 23           fcn.0000081e
0x00000835    6 29           fcn.00000835
0x00000852    4 163          fcn.00000852
0x00000a07    8 214          fcn.00000a07
0x00000add   96 816  -> 787  fcn.00000add
0x00000d6e   27 159          fcn.00000d6e
0x00000e0d    7 53           fcn.00000e0d
0x00000e42   13 100          fcn.00000e42
0x00000f67    1 16           fcn.00000f67
0x00000f77    1 6            fcn.00000f77
0x00000f7d    1 6            fcn.00000f7d
0x00000f83    1 6            fcn.00000f83
0x00000f89    1 6            fcn.00000f89
0x00000f8f    1 6            fcn.00000f8f
0x00000f95    4 73   -> 17   fcn.00000f95
0x00000f9b    4 67   -> 17   fcn.00000f9b
0x00000fa1    4 61   -> 17   fcn.00000fa1
0x00000fa7    4 55   -> 17   fcn.00000fa7
0x00000fad    4 49   -> 17   fcn.00000fad
0x00000fb3    4 21   -> 32   fcn.00000fb3
0x00000fef    5 23           fcn.00000fef
0x00001006    4 23           fcn.00001006
0x000010f1    1 25           fcn.000010f1
0x00001113    4 53           fcn.00001113
0x00001148    6 55           fcn.00001148
0x0000120a    6 72           fcn.0000120a
0x0000129a    1 13           fcn.0000129a
0x000012a7    5 25           fcn.000012a7
0x000012c7    1 9            fcn.000012c7
0x000012d0    7 82           fcn.000012d0
0x0000133f    3 34           fcn.0000133f
0x00001361    6 27           fcn.00001361
0x0000137c    5 23           fcn.0000137c
0x00001393    4 21           fcn.00001393
0x000013a8    8 46           fcn.000013a8
0x000013d6    9 46           fcn.000013d6
0x00001404    3 41           fcn.00001404
0x0000142d    1 16           fcn.0000142d
0x0000143d    3 102          fcn.0000143d
0x00001f5e    1 10           fcn.00001f5e
0x00001f68    3 55           fcn.00001f68
0x000020ed    3 14           fcn.000020ed
0x0000211f    1 13           fcn.0000211f
0x00002137    3 15           fcn.00002137
0x00002159    1 15           fcn.00002159
0x00002175    3 32   -> 17   fcn.00002175
0x00002195    9 49           fcn.00002195
0x000021df    5 16           fcn.000021df
0x000021ef    1 45           fcn.000021ef
0x0000221c    2 7            fcn.0000221c
0x00002232    1 13           fcn.00002232
0x0000224a    1 1            fcn.0000224a

So the string xref is so located at 0x51c and the function where it used is fcn.00000288

All that rest to do is a quick analysis of this function :

[0x00000100]> pd @fcn.00000288
/ (fcn) fcn.00000288 566
|   fcn.00000288 (int arg_7h);
|           ; var int local_0h @ sp+0x0
|           ; var int local_2h @ sp+0x2
|           ; var int local_3h @ sp+0x3
|           ; arg int arg_7h @ sp+0x7
|           ; CALL XREF from 0x000004f8 (fcn.00000288 + 624)
|           0x00000288      c5             push bc
|           0x00000289      e8fd           add sp, 0xfd
|           0x0000028b      f807           ld hl, sp + 0x07
|           0x0000028d      2a             ldi a, [hl]
|           0x0000028e      66             ld h, [hl]
|           0x0000028f      6f             ld l, a
|           0x00000290      e5             push hl
|           0x00000291      cd4811         call fcn.00001148
|           0x00000294      42             ld b, d
|           0x00000295      4b             ld c, e
|           0x00000296      e802           add sp, 0x02
|           0x00000298      79             ld a, c
|           0x00000299      fe16           cp 0x16
|       ,=< 0x0000029b      c2a502         jp nZ, 0x02a5
|       |   0x0000029e      78             ld a, b
|       |   0x0000029f      b7             or a
|      ,==< 0x000002a0      c2a502         jp nZ, 0x02a5
|     ,===< 0x000002a3      1803           jr 0x03
|     |||   ; CODE XREF from 0x0000029b (fcn.00000288)
|     |||   ; CODE XREF from 0x000002a0 (fcn.00000288)
|    ,=``-> 0x000002a5      c3b704         jp 0x04b7
|    ||     ; CODE XREF from 0x000002a3 (fcn.00000288)
|    |`---> 0x000002a8      f807           ld hl, sp + 0x07
|    |      0x000002aa      2a             ldi a, [hl]
|    |      0x000002ab      5e             ld e, [hl]
|    |      0x000002ac      f800           ld hl, sp + 0x00
|    |      0x000002ae      22             ldi [hl], a
|    |      0x000002af      73             ld [hl], e
|    |      0x000002b0      2b             dec hl
|    |      0x000002b1      5e             ld e, [hl]
|    |      0x000002b2      23             inc hl
|    |      0x000002b3      56             ld d, [hl]
|    |      0x000002b4      1a             ld a, [de]
|    |      0x000002b5      23             inc hl
|    |      0x000002b6      77             ld [hl], a
|    |      0x000002b7      7e             ld a, [hl]
|    |      0x000002b8      fe74           cp 0x74
|    |  ,=< 0x000002ba      c2bf02         jp nZ, 0x02bf
|    | ,==< 0x000002bd      1803           jr 0x03
|    | ||   ; CODE XREF from 0x000002ba (fcn.00000288)
|    |,=`-> 0x000002bf      c3b704         jp 0x04b7
|    |||    ; CODE XREF from 0x000002bd (fcn.00000288)
|    ||`--> 0x000002c2      f800           ld hl, sp + 0x00
|    ||     0x000002c4      5e             ld e, [hl]
|    ||     0x000002c5      23             inc hl
|    ||     0x000002c6      56             ld d, [hl]
|    ||     0x000002c7      13             inc de
|    ||     0x000002c8      1a             ld a, [de]
|    ||     0x000002c9      4f             ld c, a
|    ||     0x000002ca      79             ld a, c
|    ||     0x000002cb      fe48           cp 0x48
|    || ,=< 0x000002cd      c2d202         jp nZ, 0x02d2
|    ||,==< 0x000002d0      1803           jr 0x03
|    ||||   ; CODE XREF from 0x000002cd (fcn.00000288)
|   ,===`-> 0x000002d2      c3b704         jp 0x04b7
|   ||||    ; CODE XREF from 0x000002d0 (fcn.00000288)
|   |||`--> 0x000002d5      f800           ld hl, sp + 0x00
|   |||     0x000002d7      5e             ld e, [hl]
|   |||     0x000002d8      23             inc hl
|   |||     0x000002d9      56             ld d, [hl]
|   |||     0x000002da      13             inc de
|   |||     0x000002db      13             inc de
|   |||     0x000002dc      1a             ld a, [de]
|   |||     0x000002dd      4f             ld c, a
|   |||     0x000002de      79             ld a, c
|   |||     0x000002df      fe34           cp 0x34
|   ||| ,=< 0x000002e1      c2e602         jp nZ, 0x02e6
|   |||,==< 0x000002e4      1803           jr 0x03
|   |||||   ; CODE XREF from 0x000002e1 (fcn.00000288)
|  ,====`-> 0x000002e6      c3b704         jp 0x04b7
|  |||||    ; CODE XREF from 0x000002e4 (fcn.00000288)
|  ||||`--> 0x000002e9      f800           ld hl, sp + 0x00
|  ||||     0x000002eb      5e             ld e, [hl]

Here we can make the hypothesis just by looking the structure that the character check is checking one by one each char of the flag and they are hardcoded.

Let’s concatenate all cp opcode values (for this part I used VV @fcn.00000288 to navigate into the code)

Once done we have the following result : 744834545a5f344e5f653453595f4e44485f664c3447

Once converted to ascii :

>>> "744834545a5f344e5f653453595f4e44485f664c3447".decode('hex')
